Kenny Murphy, the Stupid as Fuck Kid Detective.

Post #1
Hey, I'm Kenny Murphy, the 10 year old detective and i'm reporting a scary story, about the slaughter of Ben. Ben is supposably a victim of the Drunk New Orleans killer who is a dude who got a knife and is killing people, and i'm here to solve that mystery!
Post #2
So, I got some clues! I read all of the Nancy Drew books for some tips! And I know who was murdered! It was a person named Ben!! I'll keep you posted!
Post #3
Today my raccoon got rabies, and he seemed drunk... he may be the Drunk Killer of New Orleans!! I just made a ground breaking discovery! I'll keep you posted, because right now he just bit my arm and it's all bloody and my mouth is starting to make whip cream come out of it... Cool!
Post #4
Today I had to get the rabies surgically removed :( We also needed to put my raccoon down, I remember when we first met in the dumpster and whip cream was coming out of his mouth and now i'm sad :( Also a new victim was found! Her name was Shayla... hey... oh! hahaha Now I get it my moms name was Shayla... ohhhh she was murdered! Hmmm and the other person was my dad... did I mention that?
Post #5
I think I could be next, or one of my 2 siblings, Derrick and Jenny... heyyy? Whered Jenny go?!? Ohhh never mind she's right behind me ripped limb from limb... ohhh she was murdered! I think i'm gonna call the cops.
Post #6
I called the cops and they figured out who the Drunk Killer of New Orleans was! I needed to kill them! I mean I need to solve this mystery first! Not them!... I think I just heard footsteps upstairs... and i'm home alone since Derrick is at Lacrosse.
Post #7
Derrick got home except something seems different about him... well he was sent home in a bloody box and theres a hole in his chest and his heart is ripped out... can't really seem to tell the difference...
Post #8
Well, Darnit! The cops are this close to figuring out I killed their buddies so I could solve the mystery myself! They also put me under witness protection... but i'm still hearing footsteps... OH! Silly me! Those are my footsteps! Oh I get it now! I killed my family. I solved the mystery! I must tell the cops!!
Post #9
I've put into a juvenile institution or whatever for manslaughter! But I also killed 2 girls! They're so mean!
Post #10
I escaped with a few buddies I met in the juvenile institution! They're names are Scarface and Snake and we're tight! They're 4 years older then me though... today they told me to take of my clothes so they can stick they're dicks in me... I wonder what that means, i'm gonna try it!
Post #11
They stuck their dicks in me and now my butt holes sore :( The cops also caught me again and I realize now that I'M the Drunk New Orleans Killer! I solved the mystery twice!
Post #12
Well this has to be my last post, because i'm going into solitary confinement! That'll be fun! I get to go to a real jail! I'll also be locked up in hand cuffs and everything! They also have to take my computer away, so thats why this is my last post! Well! Bye! Its been fun chatting with you! Hope to see you soon!